
Getting started


The Python library can be installed with pip.

pip install -e git+git://
npm install montage-data

Creating a client instance

import montage
client = montage.Client(subdomain)
var montage = require('montagedata');
var client = new montage.Client(subdomain);

The Montage wrapper is asynchronous, and any method that makes an HTTP request to the Montage API returns a Promise that will be fulfilled when the request completes. Call .then on the promise to capture the response data.

client.users.list().then(response => {


Token auth

Authenticate with a user- or project-level API token. The token is passed to the initialization of the Client.

client = montage.Client(subdomain, token)
var client = new montage.Client(subdomain, token);

User credentials

Calling the .authenticate() method on a Client instance will authenticate against the Montage API. The authentication endpoint returns the users API token to be used in subsequent API requests.

Credentials should not be stored in any way after the authentication process.

client.authenticate(email, password)
var client = new montage.Client(subdomain);
client.authenticate(email, password);

Anonymous requests

Clients are not required to authenticate with the API; any unauthenticated request is treated as an anonymous user. As with authentucated users, anonymous users may be assigned permissions, and can be granted access to specific API requests.